CompatibleNestMTX works with all Cameras which use Google's Smart Device Management API's, including smart displays and doorbell cameras.Read More
NormalizedAll streams are re-encoded for maximum compatibility across the largest number of streaming protocolsRead More
SupportiveUsing MediaMTX at its core, NestMTX is able to have clients connect through a variety of protocolsRead More
SimpleDesigned around a simple yet beautiful UI, controls are straightforward while providing relevant and useful informationRead More
Straight ForwardDeploy as a docker container or on bare metal - it's your choice, and it's easy to do.Quick Start
Resource ConsciousStreams only start when requested from a client, so less energy is used by the devices and fewer host resources are utilized to streamRead More
InternationalizedNextMTX has been translated into several languages, and is capable of being translated into any language desired.
Mobile FriendlyNextMTX has been designed to work on mobile & tablet devices without additional modification. So go ahead, enable your camera feed from your phone!